Dr Greg Peterson
Dedicated Professional Counselor crafting your counseling experience to be unique to you.
Hello, my name is Dr. Greg Peterson, and I look forward to working with you. I have over 10 years of licensed counseling experience. For much of my career, I worked in university counseling, helping young adults with mental health issues. I have also worked in community mental health, working with individuals with severe persistent mental health issues, and led teams working in both environments. I have taught and supervised other counselors in training since 2016, and currently, I am contributing faculty in Walden University's Masters of Counseling program. Throughout my career in counseling, I have valued making the counseling experience accessible and helpful for clients. Often clients have misconceptions about counseling and what is helpful from counseling. My goal with every client is that eventually, each client working with me goes on a journey of growth, development, and skill building to come to a point where they can fire me from being their counselor. There is no greater feeling in counseling than being told by a client that our work together has been helpful and that they will take those skills out of the office.

With that goal of progress and change in mind, as a counselor, educator, supervisor, and consultant I tend to be directive in my services. I will offer direct feedback on your behavior and provide suggestions for how to improve your life in the areas you are having difficulties. When engaged in individual counseling with me I work on forging a supportive relationship with you where any suggestion I offer is offered with trust that you are capable of engaging in the change as well as full knowledge that you get to choose to accept or reject the suggestion and it will not impact our counseling relationship. Counseling should always be helpful for you and that applies to my interventions and our relationship as well, so this is always at your pace, readiness, and willingness to change when its helpful for you. I am here to help guide you on your journey of growth what ever that pace is.
I am dedicated counselor, here to begin working with you when you are interested. I am licensed in Oregon and Washington as a professional mental health counselor and primarily see clients via secure tele-mental health. If you are interested in counseling with me please feel free to reach out and I will gladly schedule you an intake assessment to start services.
Professional Licenses
Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) Oregon, C3885
Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) Washington, LH60514544
Approved Clinical Supervisor (ACS) 3769
Board Certified Tele-Mental Health Provider (BC-TMH) 3431
Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC) 310012
Oregon Board Registered Clinical Supervisor